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[PS3] we2011真到了大改的时候了

发表于 2010-5-5 16:39 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 hrswj 于 2010-5-5 16:57 编辑

PES 2011: Football Evolved

Total revamp, total freedom, total football

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH will deliver a completely new footballing experience later this year with the advent of PES 2011, for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360, PC-DVD, Wii, PlayStation 2 and PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable), which sees the publisher’s long-running series undergo the most radical revamp in its history.
The PES range has long been regarded as offering incredible realism and control, but PES 2011 will reinvigorate the series with the most advanced raft of gameplay additions, control options, and animations to meet the evolution of real-life football. (以上K社自吹自擂。。。。略过)Central to its total freedom of play, PES 2011 introduces a power bar for each player that allows the user to determine the exact strength and placement of every pass and shot. Balls can now be spread absolutely anywhere with utter precision, with long balls into space, short passes to feet and intricate one-twos allowing the player to dictate play and control the tempo of a match.(PES 2011引进了力量槽。。。似乎一直有不解)
This freedom of play is also extended via new AI routines designed to place every move and decision in the player’s hands. No longer will assisted AI intervene during matches; users will now need to sense and react to threats; and passes will not automatically reach the nearest player. Instead, all-new routines facilitate complete control both of the player and their chosen actions in every respect to give the player sublime control over every movement.(新的AI。。。给玩家更大的自由,到时候看了,呵呵)
“It was time for PES to transform, and PES 2011 represents the most ambitious redesign in the series’ history,” commented Jon Murphy, European PES Team Leader for Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. “We’ve continued to work closely with the fans to pinpoint what it is about football that PES didn’t do. Total freedom was the priority and all-new animation a must. PES 2011 does both – indeed, they are directly linked to each other – and while the new game is recognisably PES at its heart, it is also the most radically improved version ever.”(K社欧洲区负责人说是时候改变了,指出听取了fans的意见,是改变最大的一作。。。)
Key to PES 2011’s new approach is a specially-designed control system that allows total control over every element of play. The triangulation of passes and making space using clever runs becomes paramount, and build-up play is everything. Likewise, dribbling and close control are tougher to master, and the days of making streaking runs through the centre of the park are over, as PES mirrors the real-life football.(盘带和控制变得更难掌握,中路裸奔的日子一去不复返了,因为pes反映了真实的足球。难怪能做领导,一针见血呀,犀利)


The result is the most complete and realistic PES to date. PES 2011 delivers an evolved experience that still has the key PES ehthos of skill and realism at its core. Likewise, every other aspect of the game has been totally reworked, including:
  • ·         Total Control: PES Productions has enhanced the 360-degree passing ratio, offering unprecedented levels of control over every pass, shot, throw-in, through ball and lofted through balls. This allows users to pass the ball into space, and move their play with total freedom. Players must precisely weight their passes and second-guess the runs of their team-mates and exploit their movement. Players even can apply pressure on opponents to force them off the ball. (提升的360度传球,玩家获得完全的自由。玩家需要精准的计算传球的力度以及预判队友的跑位来控制比赛节奏。也可以对对手施加压力强迫他们丢球。)
  • ·         Shot & Stamina Gauge: In addition to the generic power gauge, the Shot & Stamina meter details the player’s exact level of fitness. Constantly sprinting will affect the player’s movements and will have an adverse affect on his stats, with passes going awry and a loss of pace. (除了普通的力量槽,射门和体力槽详细的描述了球员的健康状况。经常的裸奔会影响球员的移动并对他的数据产生不利的影响,比如传球的失准和步伐的紊乱)这点不错,赞一个。
  • ·         New Defender AI: Defenders now hold their positions naturally, no longer chasing any ball that enters their area; preferring to close down the attacker and force them into a mistake. (新的防守AI 防守球员会站住他的位置,不会对贸然上抢进入其防区的球员,而是关门打狗的方法迫使对方犯错)
  • ·         Animation and Player Physics: PES Productions has totally reworked every element of in-game animation. These additions will become clear before even kick-off, with the players enjoying fluid, natural movements, with more realistic acceleration and inertia than ever before. The physicality between players is also improved, which was a priority requested in PES forums. Jostling and blocking now looks stunning, while there is a larger variety of convincing tackling styles. Ambient animation also adds immensely to the in-game atmosphere, as players behave realistically when off the ball, and walk and run with a variety of individual styles. (所有动作重新来过,也是听从玩家的建议,希望如此,呵呵)
  • ·         Speed of Play: The new level of control means that PES 2011 enjoys a more considered pace of play, which varies dependent on situations. The game will burst into life as counter-attacks come into play, but players can dictate the pace via slow build up or exploiting available space to surge forward. It is harder to make long runs from midfield, and successful play will depend on making quick passes to make room. (关于比赛速度,似乎没有什么新意,还是强调中场开始的长途奔袭不容易了)
  • ·         Aesthetics: PES 2010 showcased the best likenesses in a football game, and PES 2011 ups the ante further. Facial animation has been enhanced, but the key advances are over 1000 all-new animations which have been recreated from the ground up using over 100 hours of motion captured footage. Every aspect of player movement has been reworked, with more organic runs, turns, throw-ins, tackles, and interaction. The way players speed up and slow down is also more natural, while replays display elements of motion blur that bring your saved goals to vivid life. (重中之重,实况美学。面部表情提升,超过1000个新的动作,球员加速和减速会比较自然)


  • ·         Tactical and Strategy: The sheer number of options available in the PES series has established it as a remarkably flexible simulation, allowing players to stamp their playing style on each match. The PES Productions team has implemented an all new ‘Drag and Drop’ mechanism that can be used in every aspect of team management, not just substitutions or formation changes. These settings are also animated to promote better understanding of the plays that have been altered. (一个新的战术系统引入,Drag and Drop拖上来掉下去,不就是换人吗?还说不是,呵呵,到时候看了。)
  • ·         Feint settings: PES has always offered a wide range of subtle skills, feints and turns, but PES 2011 allows users to map their favourite move sequences to the right stick, making them more accessible than ever before.(这个有点kof自定义大招的感觉了,玩家可以把自己喜欢的动作定义到右摇杆上,方便执行使用。这点不错,2010搓招拇指都出茧子了)
  • ·         Master League Online: Master League will offer an all-new challenge, as users are invited to try their hand against other managers online. PES 2011 will mark the online debut for its much-loved Master League element, with players bidding against each other for the world’s best players, and attempting to build a squad that can compete with the best against online peers all over the globe. (在线大师联赛,可以和线上的其他玩家讨价还价购买顶级球员,建立球队和其他玩家对战。不关心,实况就是玩对战,呵呵)

PES 2011 also features a myriad of smaller additions, all designed to enhance the overall experience. The game’s difficulty level has been upped thanks to the greater control on offer, while new camera angles showcase the game’s stunning visuals and animation. Likewise, in accordance with the strong wishes of the fan base, both referees and goal keepers have been improved in both aesthetic and AI terms, while an all-new commentary process has been implemented that offers a better and less repetitive overview of the proceedings. (增加了新的摄像视角来反映游戏中的精彩瞬间,裁判和守门员的动作和AI提升,刚才漏掉了,这个改变非常好。有个新解说)
The game will also see the return of Lionel Messi – arguably the greatest player in the modern game – as its cover star, and the expansion of its UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League elements, and the addition of the Copa Liberadores, South America’s most influential and important club-based competition. (MS带言,欧冠,欧联都有,南美解放者也有)
“This is just the tip of the iceberg for PES 2011,” concluded Murphy. “We have some significant announcements still to come regarding game modes and gameplay functions. The first footage of the new game perfectly showcases the new animation and freedomelements that beat at the heart of the new game.We are confident that PES 2011 will both surprise and delight football fans. They are going to have to relearn how they play, as this is a very different game, but I am confident it will blow them all away.” (以上只是冰山一角,未来还有信息更新。玩家要重新学习如何玩好这个困难的游戏,看来真的大改了,呵呵,以往没有这么说)

PES 2011 will be released for PlayStation®3, Xbox 360, Wii, PlayStation®2, PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable), and PC-DVD in the Autumn. For more information, please contact Steve Merrett at Voltage PR on 020 7903 5122 or email steve@voltagepr.com.(秋季发售,PS3,Xbox360,Wii, PS2, PSP 和PC,各个平台都有)

All copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are used under license.

Thanks to Steve Merrett from Voltage PR.


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