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FIFA 11 PC 官方视频資訊(转自游侠)

发表于 2010-9-11 16:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 utslam 于 2010-9-11 16:15 编辑

制作人親自說的, 好像玩的也是他

- That WAS PC footage, NOT console footage . The button icons in the PC version match those found on a Windows Xbox360 Controller.
- Game speed was default (Normal)
- Difficulty level was only on Professional
- Video was captured at 29.97FPS. As some of you familiar with video capture mentioned, this is because Youtube and other video sites typically only play at 30FPS anyway, so capturing the video at a higher framerate would result in lost or skipped frames and a less than smooth experience.
- Video was captured using Fraps. If any of you have used this before and tried to capture an "HD" quality video, you will know that this is very taxing and writes enormous video files. Obviously when Fraps is not recording, the game runs silky smooth. We wanted to at least capture in 720 but anything higher seemed to chug significantly when Fraps was writing those massive files.
- These are the general specs of the computer used to capture the game:
Windows 7 (32bit), 2.8Ghz, 3.2GB RAM, quad core, AMD Phenom 2 X4 295, Nvidia GeForce GTX 480
- Resolution: 1280x720
- Anti-Aliasing: Set to 2x (options for this are 0x, 2x, 4x)
- Rendering Quality: High
- V-sync: On

- 视频是pc的, 不是主機. 完美支持 360 手柄, 所以圖示都是360的 (用那個手柄都顯是360按扭提示)
- 遊戲速度為預設 (正常), 有快, 中, 慢調, 慢比較擬真
- 難度為 專業級 (professional)
- 视频幀數為29.97 fps, 因為上傳视频最高fps只有30fps, 開更高來錄製會掉幀/跳幀 (不用錄製時絕對可以60fps)
- 视频用fraps錄製, 由於是錄製720P HD 關係, 视频中遊戲有些時侯會有卡頓
- 视频中配置 Windows 7 (32bit), 2.8Ghz, 3.2GB RAM, quad core, AMD Phenom 2 X4 295, Nvidia GeForce GTX 480 (由於要錄製HD, 配置也要較高才可應付, 錄製幾分鐘已經3.9GB了)
- 1280 x 720
- AA 2X
- 畫質: 高
- 垂直同步已開

PS:配置非必须 而是录制视频需要高配

FIFA 11 PC 印象评测【更新中文翻译】

Impressions K. Ustinovich about FIFA 11 PC
News - FIFA 11 (Author: SLameN | 8 September 2010)

Remember, we are in the summer of online news publishing under the title "professor answers questions, which concerned, as the name implies, the response of Mr. da Ustinovich on users futsime FIFA 11 PC.

At this time Cyril decided to share his first impressions of the 11th FIFA for the PC, in which he has been able to play.

"Experience is not put into words. On the PlayStation 3 played a little, but the difference is not felt. On the console to play a bit more elaborated, such as hardcore. Personality really feel, especially when playing top-end players.

What is worth mentioning in your PC:

1. Graphics in full FIFA 10 as on the PS3.
2. Pleases entourage, fans are no longer boxes, quickly react to events immediately felt at someone playing field, sound support is excellent, heard Russian exclamations.
3. Was surprised such a thing: playing in the Russian league at the beginning and during the game against the voice of a commentator in the stadium in Russian, something like: "Dear viewers, welcome to ..." or "Our football game is not welcome racist."
4. The diversity of the reactions of players on the blunders, inaccurate passing game, a violation. Sometimes just stare.
5. Fight, fight, fight! Wrestling a lot, button selection and drove almost do not use, simply intersect with the enemy. Shocks, shoving, grappling with his hands, it's all there. I especially liked it when a player sits in the shed and he jumped at it and catch a falling, as in reality!
6. The players constantly in the game when the ball flies past the player tries to touch him, to seize, even if you tell them no or governors, but do not give commands, simply running away. 7. Russian clubs in UEFA club competitions.
8. Do not wait recognizable faces (in the Russian championship, then RFPL), an increase is very similar, only a few. Semak as alive, quickly looked quite different, Berezutsky, Ignashevich - from afar. Vagner Love - basically OK Vellik looks better.
9. Career interesting, but I was upset fact transfers. There is a scale player in the transition of interest, if crossed the 70, then the probability of a big transition. This is achieved by lifting s / n. As a result, I immediately bought it in Spartak goalkeeper Hart from the City, CZ Saho from PSG and DMC Rodvela of Evertona. The people said to me that it's real in life! Budgets have decent clubs, enough for a few very steep players. Glad to see Ananidze in Spartaca, a guy and 18 no, and already over 70.
10. Goalkeepers: excellent playing, I had the time, played with a colleague - a blow for a penalty, keeper beats the jump, falls, gets up and immediately jump to attention fingertips discourages the second blow to the finishing moves. But the third has not picked up, was a goal. But we watched the replays, it looked like magic, but the paradoxes in physics was not, so it was really feasible and did not look fantastic. Goalkeepers operates much smarter to beat hard, stupid and foolish things were noticed.
11. Grass, gate, grid, stadiums look great. There stadium is very similar to the Luzhniki, there has always played Spartacus. At the stadium, the monitor shows the actual moments of the game for the fields are medical teams, TV cameras, etc.
12. The judges worked perfectly, as the side and head, waving flags, whistling, jumping, if the ball flies toward them. Violation is clear, but sometimes creeping, that there are mistakes and not in my favor. "


1. 全开效果和PS3 fifa 10 差不多
2. 觀眾不再是2D, 對球場上球員的行動作出反應, 很棒的支持聲, 聽到有俄文的喊叫
3. 在比賽中會聽到中央廣播說 "歡迎蒞臨...." or "我們不支持種族歧視"
4. 球員反應多樣, 不太準繩的傳送, 犯規. 眼神.
5. 搶球時會和帶球的有動作互動, 互相碰撞. 推開, 拉扯, 爭高空球的動作很真實
6. 球員有意識自己去搶截.
7. 有俄羅斯球會
8. 更多相似的臉型. Semak像真人一樣, Berezutsky, Ignashevich 從遠處也能分辨. Vagner Love - 還好 Vellik 不錯
9. 生涯模式挺有趣, 但球員買賣好像有點怪. (之後說了他一些買賣, 沒重點)
10. 守門員很不錯, 有一次 - 守門員跳起救了點球, 跌下再起跳用指尖 救了補射 但始終第三次射都進球了. 在回播中看很美秒. 守門員更聰明.
11.草地, 球場, 門更好看, 更擬真. 場館中的電視是即時直播畫面的
12. 裁判沒有甚麼問題, 舉旗吹罰 有球各他來會跳起等 不過有些時間的犯規沒有罰
发表于 2010-9-11 16:24 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-9-11 16:36 | 只看该作者
FIFA 11 ?老子要玩PES2011  牢牢的
发表于 2010-9-11 17:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-9-11 17:24 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-9-11 17:28 | 只看该作者
回复 3# 郊区的耶稣

发表于 2010-9-11 17:53 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-9-11 18:53 | 只看该作者
PC和主机版完全是2个不同的游戏  :bz49: 主机版才是王道:bz32:
发表于 2010-9-11 19:01 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-9-11 19:38 | 只看该作者

发表于 2010-9-11 20:06 | 只看该作者

发表于 2010-9-11 20:17 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-9-11 21:06 | 只看该作者
期待fifa11 pc
英超ing 看到EA FIFA11
发表于 2010-9-12 00:27 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-9-12 11:01 | 只看该作者
nicolaes 发表于 2010-9-12 00:25

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