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 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-20 09:31 | 只看该作者
Ryan rues referee error

Ryan Giggs claims a refereeing mistake denied him the chance to become the FA Cup's most successful modern player.

The Welshman seemed to be on the verge of his fifth winner's medal - one more than anyone since the 1800's - when he slid in to meet Wayne Rooney's cross in extra-time.

Giggs made contact with the ball, only for Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech to smother it and apparently deny the officials a clear view of whether it had crossed the line or not. However, the United winger was in no doubt a goal should have been given his way.

Ryan said: "I said to the ref, 'You saw it go over and the linesman saw it go over'. If we had got that goal we might well have gone on to win the game."

Cech admitted the ball had gone over his line but claimed: "It would have been a foul anyway.

"When I made the initial save the ball had not crossed the line, then Ryan Giggs slid in, kicked me in the face and pushed me further back."

As United captain in the absence of Gary Neville, Giggs had the dubious distinction of being the first FA Cup final skipper to lead his team up the 107 steps at the new Wembley, albeit

to collect nothing but runners-up medals. But he insisted there was still plenty to feel positive about following a long, hard and - in the Premiership certainly - successful 10-month campaign.

"The consolation is that we won the Premiership, we are an improving team and we can look forward to next season with confidence," Giggs concluded.
 楼主| 发表于 2007-5-20 09:36 | 只看该作者
Sir Alex Ferguson believes tiredness "in two or three positions" and the ref's failure to award United a penalty were key to the FA Cup final defeat.

While many fans, especially those watching on TV, thought United were hard done by when Chelsea goalkeeper Petr Cech seemed to take the ball over the line, Sir Alex insisted Michael Essien fouled Ryan Giggs as he closed in to stab home Wayne Rooney's cross.

The manager lamented that non-decision by referee Steve Bennett as much as his refusal to award a goal to Giggs.

"It was a penalty kick, " said Sir Alex, regarding Essien's challenge on Giggs.

"Then the goalkeeper's spilled the ball behind the line. I think it will have been a difficult one for the linesman to call but the referee should be in a better position.

"I couldn't see the incident from where I was, there were players right in front of me, but I've seen it since (on TV) and it was a clear penalty kick. The referee must have been in a good position to see that. It's disappointing to see the replay, I must say.

"I think the pressure (Chelsea boss Jose) Mourinho put on the referee before the game has certainly worked and I'm (also) disappointed at that."

That incident towards the halfway point in extra-time was probably the turning point in a tight and often stifled contest. Thirteen minutes later and unlucky for United, Chelsea's dangerman Didier Drogba was finally able to nick the ball past Edwin van der Sar for 1-0.

"There was nothing between the two teams," reflected Sir Alex.

"Neither team deserved to win or lose to be honest. It’s just disappointing we have lost."

Referring to the less than classic quality of the game, the United boss said: "The pitch was slow, that didn't help the match.

"From our point of view I think we were a bit tired in two or three positions which didn't help us. What the players have been through these last few months has been exceptional, I've got to give them credit for that. They just couldn’t cross the line today."

The defeat denied United the accolade of being the first FA Cup winners at the new Wembley, but they remain the most successful club in the competition's history with 11 triumphs from 18 final appearances.

"It’s disappointing to lose a big game like that simply because of Manchester United's history and record in the FA Cup is very good, it's exceptional," added Sir Alex.

"We've now lost two FA Cup finals in a row without scoring a goal. Okay, in the last one (2005) we absolutely battered Arsenal but today there was just a bit of tiredness in the players and I think that's a genuine reason.

"What we tried to do last Sunday (against West Ham) was rest the players who needed a rest. I think we did the right things to prepare the players for today. But maybe once they get into that Wembley bowl, the heat in there can affect the players.

"You could say it was the same for both teams but I certainly think we looked tired in two or three positions."

Sir Alex Ferguson was talking to Sky Sports.
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