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发表于 2010-6-9 08:53 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jqlcxyc 于 2010-6-10 19:35 编辑


FSB FIFA 11 Impressions

A couple of months ago, shortly after getting home from work and checking my emails, my eyes got a little bit wider and my heart pumped a little bit faster. A few of you may know I’ve been involved with the FIFA scene for a while now (starting out with some FIFA 99 patches I worked on with friends), but never before had I been invited to play a FIFA game and meet the developers while the game was still in development.

In-fact I was so excited that for the vast majority of my time out in Canada I completely forgot I was supposed to be acting the part of a journalist – but here’s what I managed to write down about my time with FIFA 11 before I was dragged from the building kicking and screaming.

Before I make a start on this essay/loveletter, I should point out that the build we FIFA community people were invited to test contained gameplay changes only, with the menu system butchered to contain exhibition match options and little else. Therefore, as much as it broke my heart, poking around Manager Mode (and all the other modes too) was off the cards on this occasion.
As a part of this, the graphics were also the same graphics from FIFA 10 – well actually, there were some 2010 FIFA World Cup graphics in there as well, such as the odd facial model and the much-improved lighting. So bear in mind that looking at the screenshots released today is as new for me as it is for you, as there’s a slight – but definite – improvement over what I was shown.
Finally (and the above two paragraphs should have made this pretty obvious but, you know, I’ll say it anyway just in-case); this was far from being the complete version of the game, meaning that any number of peculiarities could have been ironed out by now – hopefully not at the cost of some new ones creeping in.
But with that out of the way… Let the fun begin!


Getting personal人物个性
Before we were let loose on the game, we were given a brief presentation on what we could expect to see. There were a few key points that the guys behind the game were keen to show off, and for me (and I suspect most FIFA players) was player individuality – or, as it was referred to here, Player Personality.
The ways in which the developers have worked on this idea were discussed throughout the week I spent in Vancouver, and while some of the changes appear subtle, some were quite striking. For me, the biggest shock was in seeing how players now react on their own accord.
For example, playing as Liverpool and watching Arsenal pass the ball around me, I witnessed Fernando Torres taking a couple of steps towards a ball played across him before stopping in his tracks and visibly giving up on winning back possession. When the ball was passed to an opponent on Maxi Rodríguez’s wing however, they knew about it; without having to select the player or alter any tactical instructions, he was charging towards the ball (and the various passing targets around him) like a bull at a gate 球员会按照他们在现实中的习惯去踢球。这里用torres和maxi做了说明,大概意思是torres在发现无法获得球的情况下会放弃,相反maxi那厮会象头牛一样一直追出去。
The effect that this gives as you watch the game play out is pretty authentic, and it’s obviously more than just a visual thing. Playing with the likes of Carlos Tevez in your team gives you a little bit of bite in the midfield, and playing without anyone like that in the team… Well, you end up having to do a lot more work yourself to keep the heat on your opponent. tevez会积极的对对方的中场球员进行抢劫骚扰,如果没有这样的球员,玩家就需要多做很多工作,估计roony也是这样的球员。
After noticing this added pressuring from certain players, a question was raised by someone more intelligent than I; what happens if you alter your general team tactics to, say, stand off the opposition players completely? Well, the developers told us that they don’t want to make it possible to change a player into something he’s not using the team tactics sliders, and from experimenting with the sliders, it appeared to me that the ratio stays the same but with the range of pressure applied being reduced.
In other words, it seemed that each player applied less pressure but those who were obviously the hard-working individuals would still keep trying to regain the ball that little bit more than the others. 这里讨论了玩家设定的战术要求与球员特性不同的时候会不会影响他们的行动,答案似乎是会有影响,但是勤奋的球员还是会比其他球员更加努力获得球权。
Graphically there was a bit of individuality to be seen as well, with a new “player specific celebration” combination added to the goal celebration controls – meaning that pressing the same specific combination will result in, for example, Fernando Torres doing that strange kneeling double-salute, Peter Crouch doing the robot or Tim Cahill showing off his boxing skills.
Also there are now some player specific dribble styles, with Cristiano Ronaldo’s “legs moving in fast forward” dribble amongst several that I managed to get a glimpse of – and along with that, player models have improved across the board, with certain players looking particularly impressive (with Cristiano’s smaller but toned physique coming to mind). There are still a lot of improvements that could be made in this department across the board – Shaun Wright-Phillips has the body of a considerably larger player, for example. However, it is a marked improvement from last year. 关于球员的庆祝动作,加入了球员特的庆祝,也就是说torres会做滑跪双手敬礼,高佬会学机器人,cahill那厮会展示他的拳击技巧。一些球员加入了他们特的地带球方式,比如c罗。。。。。略去描述100字。
But when it comes to player individuality in the gameplay department, work rate is not the only thing that seperates the footballers from one another. Which brings us nicely onto the next big change to the FIFA series…

Pass and move
Passers of the ball are more prone to making mistakes thanks to what EA are calling Pro Passing (and at this point I would like to admit, yes, I hate the silly names that everything has to have as well). The biggest part of this is that the power gauge features a sweet spot, where if you go under that spot you will underhit the pass, and if you go over it then you will overhit it.
In the build that we played, this led to a few underhit passes – which is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to see in FIFA this year, more errors being made by footballers (because, you know, it does happen). Overhit passes were much rarer, but we were warned about this being an issue beforehand so you would assume this is something that the developers are looking at tweaking before release. 传球将会更容易出现差错。最大的改善是在力度槽加入了一个甜蜜点,如果你的力度低于这个点,那么你传出的球将偏轻,反之将偏重。在我们试玩的时候,我们传轻了一些球,这个正是我希望看到的,球员会犯更多的错误。传球偏重的情况比较少,但是我们被告知这个是一个问题所以大家最好还是相信制作者会作些调整当游戏正式发售时。
There’s not just error in the length of the passes – there’s more error in the direction too, depending on the players you use. With assisted and semi passing options, I have to admit that I found it difficult to hit an off-target pass with the likes of Arsenal, but with one of the relegation-battling outfits you definitely had to be a tad more accurate with your analog stick.
Performing constant first-time passes is now more difficult to get away with, and there are now more variables involved in determining whether these first-time balls will be successful or not (with most of the calculations coming from the skill of the player and the angle of the pass). When constant first-time passing isn’t really a viable option, doing it anyway leads to the ball bouncing around a little bit more awkwardly and this is an obvious attempt to try and reduce the much-discussed and (almost) universally despised “ping-pong passing” element of the game, but whether it has a strong enough effect to satisfy the guys (like me) who truly hate the pass button bashers remains to be seen. 不仅传球在距离上会有失误,在方向上也会有。这个取决于玩家所使用的球员。在自动和半自动下,我必须承认使用枪手的话很难传丢球,但是。。。(不明白略去10字)你的确需要一点准确度来操作你的摇杆。持续的一脚传球变得更难,有更多的因素来影响传球的成功(主要是球员技巧和传球角度)当一脚传球不是一个很合理的选择时,强行这样做的后果是球会有些许笨拙的弹跳,这个很显然可以减少大家总在讨论的乒乓传球。但是具体效果还有待玩家检验。
Aside from these changes (and going back to player individuality for a moment), players with more skill will now pass the ball with, for example, a bit of swerve when appropriate to guide the ball away from any opposition players who might have been able to get a foot onto it. 再回到球员个性,技巧强的球员可以传出有弧度的传球以避免被对手在中间伸脚阻断。
Finally, there’s a new kind of kick you can perform called a “bouncing lob” (basically a low-trajectory cross-field kind of pass). I won’t go into detail because it was a late addition to the code that we were playing and I didn’t get to experiment with it as much as I would have liked – but it certainly looks good when you pull it off! 最后,有一个新的动作被引入,叫做bouncing lob(基本上就是一种低弹道交叉传球)。

The men between the sticks 门将
To be totally honest with you folks, during the initial presentation about the work on player individuality being done this year, I was half-expecting to get my hands on the game and find that it amounted to Steven Gerrard hitting low shots and little else. So when I found the various individual areas that had been worked on above, I was happy to be proved wrong. But what really surprised me was that it wasn’t just the outfield players that were being worked on.
I’ll try and explain how I feel about the goalkeeping now in a nutshell… Imagine a six foot tall sack of potatoes replacing a goalkeeper in the middle of some goalposts. Imagine that when the ball was kicked either side of it, it could fall onto the ground, and that was the entire library of the sack’s goalkeeping moves.
Playing as Tranmere, this is how the goalkeepers felt – as if they were on a pivot, able to collapse either side of themselves, but perform little else. No miraculous feats of goalkeeping genius.
But then, playing as Tottenham and having “Jazz Hands” Gomes wearing the gloves… Everything changes. His body’s momentum can be sending him one way – possibly away from the ball itself – but he can throw out an arm, or a leg, and get enough on it to knock it away for a defender to clear.
That’s not the only contrast in goalkeeping talent though. You can clearly see the difference between energetic goalkeepers like Gomes who dance along the goal line, and calmer goalkeepers like Liverpool’s Pepe Reina who simply judge where the ball is going to go and then put themselves there with as little physical effort!as possible. 门将被加入了个性,扑救动作会因人而已。举例了活力充沛型的戈麦斯会在门线上跳舞,和闷声大发财型的雷纳会用最简单省力的动作去扑救。这里略去作者修辞300字。

Defensive maneuvers 防守
Another area that the individuality work has touched on is defending, and the art of tackling. Players have a tackling area (governed by their defensive stats) and the more skilful the defender is, the longer reach he can achieve with his tackling portfolio and the more successful he will be at regaining possession. It also results in the short tackles – or stab tackles as they are often called – being slightly different. 防守球员有自己的tackling区域(根据他们的防守数据),而且技巧越高的球员,防守的面积越大,重新获得球权的机会也越大。
Rather than always being the same kind of tackle and having the same kind of animation, I saw several instances where a defender would (bear with me, it’s difficult to explain) plant one foot forward before swinging around with the other leg to attempt to knock the ball away. 防守动作模拟也有提升,略去作者描述。

Heading has also seen an improvement in both defence and attack – more than one player can now attempt to get their head on the ball. This is something you may or may not have noticed in previous games but when you do notice it, you can’t stop thinking about it, because it leads to so many missed opportunities. As you may be able to see in the first in-game screenshot at the top of this page, this has now been looked at. 头球也在攻防两端进行了改进。现在可以有更多的球员跳起争球,这个我们以前可能注意或者没有注意到,但是当你注意到它时,你不得不思考它,因为它确实造成了顶不到球的可能。
Speaking of tackling and the danger of committing a foul, referees have had a bit of a revamp too. There is now a set of fictional referees from around the globe who have different refereeing skill attributes, such as likeliness to blow for a foul, likeliness to reach for a card and more.
I always felt referees were slightly different from eachother in the previous FIFA games but this time, not only can you view the attributes for yourself, you can get to know each referee and their talents (or lack of talent as the case may be) each time you see that referee’s name. 裁判ai有些修补提升,裁判将会赋予一些假想的特性,比如容易吹犯规,或者容易给牌。我一直觉得fifa系列游戏里的裁判相互有细微的差别,但是这次玩家可以看到裁判的属性,并且了解他们的个性当你看到他们的名字时。

Music to my ears
So I think I’ve typed enough for one day’s work – I lost feeling in my fingertips about an hour ago – but there’s time to talk about one last feature of the game that was revealed to us towards the end of our stay in EA HQ.
FIFA 11 will present you with the ability to import sound files and use them as music tracks, team chants, pitch entrance music and goalscoring music. At the time of the event we were told that there were no limits (apart from the size of the storage device you use) on the amount of files you import. If we hear any more about this, we’ll be sure to let you know. 关于音乐,不是重点,就是你可以选你喜欢的音乐听,呵呵。

And that’s it; hopefully you’ve enjoyed this little look into my week with FIFA 11. There should be a podcast coming up shortly so if you have any questions – anything that I can answer, at least – please hit the forums and let us know.
Thanks for reading! 作者广告贴,隐之


发表于 2010-6-9 09:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 09:02 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 09:05 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 09:07 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 09:25 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 09:51 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 09:54 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 10:12 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 10:18 | 只看该作者
发表于 2010-6-9 10:28 | 只看该作者
LZ骂的,fifa 11 pc出来了你不要玩,你就去玩实况的脸型吧,反正你觉得脸型最重要。我觉得截图挺真实的
发表于 2010-6-9 10:35 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-9 10:42 | 只看该作者
LZ骂的,fifa 11 pc出来了你不要玩,你就去玩实况的脸型吧,反正你觉得脸型最重要。我觉得截图挺真实的
yinggq 发表于 2010-6-9 10:28

发表于 2010-6-9 10:50 | 只看该作者
game play 对传球的改进的最大的,改进了FIFA10的乒乓传球.也别指望特里之流来脚手术刀.另外对球加如了很多旋转特效.(深呼吸)?对门将改进也很大,比较倾向于正常人会失误.
发表于 2010-6-9 11:29 | 只看该作者
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