
标题: 次世代FIFA09之EA官方给予玩家们的指导教程(翻译版) [打印本页]

作者: WJKEN    时间: 2008-11-12 10:11
标题: 次世代FIFA09之EA官方给予玩家们的指导教程(翻译版)
本帖最后由 WJKEN 于 2010-9-23 23:13 编辑




This is one of the most dynamic aspects of the game, and understanding how it works in FIFA 09 can determine just how much success you will have. Many factors determine the accuracy of the shot such as player momentum, speed, rating, and of course how far you power up the shot meter. In the “Shot Power/Elevation Chart,” you can clearly see there is a direct correlation between shot speed and ball elevation based just on the how much you power up the shot meter. Also keep in mind that your player’s accuracy is greatly diminished if he is on a full sprint while shooting, as well as his lateral momentum at the time. A really good tip here is to let go of the sprint button, control your pace to gain composure, get the ball on your player’s preferred foot, and then let it rip. This is not always possible and sometimes you just have to wing it!
这是游戏中最重要的部分,如果你掌握了,就会决定你能在游戏中走多远.有许多因素影响着射门的精率,比如:球员的力量,速度,完成度等能力,当然,还有就是射门的力槽和距离球门的距离.在以下"射门力量/球的运行轨道 图表中",你能清晰的看见射门速度和球上升的变化是完全基于你射门力量的掌握.同时要记住的是,球员高速奔跑时以及在那一刻的横向移动会对射门精度产生极大的影响, .一个非常好的提示是:不要加速,控制你的步点达到平衡,再把球调整到球员的有利足,最后大力射门.这不是经常能发生的,有时你必须自己去调整.
【Ball speed 球速】【Ball Elevation 球离地高度】【Power meter 力度气槽计量】
However, this would be a good place to also use the various “Face the Goal” options mentioned in the dribbling section. The shot can be very frustrating if not practiced, so take some time in the arena to get it down from various locations. When you get comfortable with it, you can create some great highlight reels.one tip that works very well if your player is right footed, is to head directly at the goal about 5 yards off of dead center and as soon as you see the keeper, start to move left. Flick the left stick and just barely tap the shot button, and sit back and watch the ball rip into the opposite side netting for a goalaso! Obviously, the opposite movement should be done if your player’s favoured foot is left.

This refers to the out and out strike on goal with maximum speed, also known as a “driven shot.” This is what puts fans in the stands and makes this game so much fun to play. Refer to the “Shot Power/Elevation Chart” to see what factors come in to play to make the shot go where you want it to. You can greatly control the rise of the ball and speed based on what is shown in the chart.
这里指的是大力射门.也是吸引玩家来发现这个游戏是如此有趣的关键.参考"射门力量/球的运行轨道 图表",哪些因素可以让你踢出你想要的射门.通过图表你便能了解如何更好的控制球的上升高度和飞行速度.

Finesse Shot
This is a very effective tool to help assist your player in gaining composure while striking the shot. A direct shot is hit with the boot laces, whereas the finesse shot is usually taken with the side of the foot. This is a placement shot versus a driven shot. You get much more accuracy in putting the ball in the net where the keeper least expects it. If you have to approach the goal at pace due to pressure and/or slightly off balance, then just get in the habit of hitting a finesse shot and your chances will be pretty good to get the shot on net.

Chip Shot
The chip is a cheeky little shot that totally fools and humiliates the keeper in one simple lofted scoop shot. Much like the same term in golf, it basically is a shot hit under the ball with the foot stopping upon impact to loft the ball with a high trajectory in the air for a short distance. Usually this is right out of the keeper’s full stretch, and is best performed the second you see the keeper start off his line. Practice this in the arena as it is very effective when coming at the keeper one- on-one. And remember,
timing is indeed everything with this one.

There is a popular saying that is so true in FIFA 09: “First touch will kill you.” Control over the ball when receiving is crucial to being successful. Trapping is the skill
where you collect the ball instead of it merely hitting you and hoping for the best. How the player first touches the ball when it comes in his direction can make all the difference between handing it over to your opponent and maintaining possession. There are three fundamental concepts used in FIFA 09 for trapping.
FIFA 09中有一句俗话:"第一时间处理好球将秒杀对手."控球从刚接球时的困难直到熟练.控球是一种让你把球牢牢掌握在自己脚下的技术,而不是盲目的接到球并期待会有好事发生.球员第一时间接球时的方向将会对

Trapping is the art of receiving the ball and bringing it under control. This is a very basic concept but can be used to gain quick control over the ball and be ready for what

you do next. Whether standing in a crowded space or on a full sprint down the wing, a good trap is essential to gaining and maintaining possession. There are several types, all
with various parts of your player’s body, from the chest to the thigh to the foot and even the head. All of them accomplish the same thing: to get the ball with any momentum it
might be traveling in immediately into your possession so that you can be effective with your next move.

First Touch
There is no more effective moment in the game than when your player first从 touches the ball. If not controlled, it can be a quick turnover leading to disaster, or give your
player a huge advantage to move into open space. Use the right stick and bump it away from your opponent and sprint onto the ball. It is a simple quick moment, but can be a key to successful possession. In a crowd of players, use this to avoid having the opponent make a quick steal by giving yourself some room to work.

Cancel Trap
Cancel Trap is a very effective way to take a player off of this default run and redirect him to intercept a pass. A good example of this is if your team mate attempts to hit you on a through ball and an opponent looks like he is going to cut off the pass if the target player stays on the default run. This function allows you to cancel out of the run and cut in front of the opponent and collect the ball before he intercepts it. This is a great function to adjust your player off of the default path and adjust the path a more strategic path. You can also use it to cancel a shot attempt or cross as long as you hit the buttons before the shooting animation starts.

Controlling your player’s possession of the ball is a key component to success in FIFA 09. Dribbling is basically the set up for everything else you do in the game. If you are on a full sprint down the field, the ball will tend to be pushed out in front of you a little further and you basically run onto it each time. In a jog, it is a little closer and at a walk it is right at your player’s feet. Take careful note of the opponents around you to know which pace you should be at so as not to give the ball away.A good tip is to remember not to be predictable to your opponent. Change directions, stop the ball and then immediately continue; change your pace from a walk to a sprint instantly, knock the ball upon receiving it away from your opponent, and of course spend time in the arena polishing your tricks! FIFA 09 has a ton of signature tricks your player can do and each has the ability to leave your opponent wondering where you went. For a complete breakdown of the tricks, see our sections devoted specifically to skill moves. Below is a quick breakdown of the dribbling techniques available to you and some tips on how to use them to your advantage.

控制好球员带球是在FIFA09中取胜的关键因素,带球是足球游戏中的基础.如果你正全力加速带球,那么球会在球员奔跑的每一刻被推到球员跑动路线的前面一点的位置.在低速跑中,球则会离你球员近些,而在行走时,球就在球员脚下.当对方球员在你身边时,正确的带球方式能防止对手把球抢走.一个提示:不要让对手预判到你的行动.比如改变方向,停球然后加速:改变你的步伐,由慢到快,把球带离对手,如果花些时间在训练场里的话,应该能让你的控球技术有显著提高.FIFA 09中有许多假动作供你使用,这些动作可以起到迷惑对手的作用.想要完整的了解假动作分类,请看后面的假动作详解内容.以下是一些简单的动作介绍,告诉你如何合理地运用它们.

Stop the Ball
A great tip is to use this skill in combination with an explosive exit move. It can really give you an advantage to shake loose from an opponent. You can make a hard stop anywhere on the field. If you hold on to the R2/RT as you stop, your player will transition into a shield move.


Stop the Ball – Facing Goal
This is a great little skill that can really shake your opponent and give you a good look at the goal or just give you some space to work in. Not many are aware of the advantage you can gain by simply stopping and squaring your shoulders towards the goal. In the arena, work on this skill before taking a finishing touch and watch your accuracy greatly improve. In the passing section, a graphic shows how you can increase your when passing in the 10 to 2 o’clock position of the direction you are facing. The shooting accuracy is heavily dependent on your player’s motion and direction, so if you are coming in off balance at full pace and more than likely feel you will just launch the ball over the net, use this skill to increase your chances of getting the ball on goal.

Pace Control
Pace control basically does just what it says. It gives you the ability to have a much more managed movement velocity for your player with the ball. This function does slow down your player, but gives them a bit more control over the ball. The dribbling rating of your player does affect his ability to control the ball effectively.

Pace Control – Facing Goal
The same basic concept but turns your player to face the goal. So now not only is your player moving at a good pace to maintain control of the ball, but is also positioned to greatly increase the accuracy of his next movement.


This sounds obvious, but when in possession of the ball you really have to think about how to elude your opponent. Besides always moving in a sprint, be sure to mix it up, from jog to quick burst of speed. Remember that on a sprint you have the ball further away from you, and when shooting, your accuracy is greatly diminished. A good rule of thumb is to let go of the button to break out of a sprint and into a jog to really increase your accuracy for shooting and other skill moves. Do not forget to mix up your movement; the less predictable you are, the tougher it is for your opponent to get possession.


Knock On
The Knock on is very simple but also very effective. It gives you just enough advantage that makes a big difference in your ability to maintain possession. When moving with the ball, instead of just using the default dribble (which can be easily read by your opponent), be creative and knock the ball in a direction and then change your player’s pace and move quickly in that direction. It is very tough for a player to get back in front of you once you have moved beyond them. Use this to set yourself up for other things to transition into like that big shot (or fake shot), a skill move, or a great pass.


Refer to our Skill Moves section for details on each and every trick in the game. Fundamentally, it is an awesome tool to not only create that highlight reel to send to your friend, but also is designed to really get you by your opponent. The key to successful tricks is to always keep your player unpredictable to the opponent. A little body feint, or even small gestures might just give you enough advantage to get beyond him and through to your next task at hand. Of course it is even more fun to humiliate your opponent and watch it in slow motion on the instant replay screen. With practice, every gamer has the potential to throw down Ronaldinho-type skills on the ball.


Instigate a Forward Run
This is a very effective tool to open up a target man for a pass, or even just to draw an opponent out of some very attractive looking field space to set up for an attack. One

trick is to trigger your teammate on a run and then immediately sprint to the space they just left (which usually is wide open since the attention was on the man making the
run). You have to get in the habit of using this to make it effective, so experiment with it in your practice games and see how you can best use it to your advantage. Watch how
the opponent reacts to the run and use that against him.

“The Beautiful Game” is only as beautiful as your skill mastery of the passing game FIFA 09 offers. The right choice at the right time and there you have it, Joga Bonita! To be successful, the best tip is to keep one eye on the game and another on your radar. Sometimes the best pass is to the player just outside of your vision on the screen, so using the radar will really help you in finding that target player. There are five basic types of passes you can use to successfully create a scoring opportunity, get out of severe pressure in the back, or just plain frustrate your opponent.

Short Pass
The short pass is a successful method that really makes this sport beautiful. Brazil is the first team that comes to mind when discussing the short pass. This is a very effective pass that can be done in very tight traffic to find a way through your opponent. When a teammate is in front of your player it is extremely accurate, and as the player moves around your periphery the accuracy drops. Try to adjust your player’s body position to give him the most accurate attempt to be successful. The diagram below clearly shows how the direction your player is facing affects the accuracy of the pass. Assume the direction you are always facing is true 12 o’clock on a typical clock. Everything from 10 – 2 o’clock is pretty accurate, but from 2-5 & from 7-10 accuracy is diminished greatly. From 5-7, you better be Ronaldinho to attempt that pass, and only after you make sure your radar is clear!


Long Pass
The long pass is a favourite weapon of David Beckham, as we all know. It can turn a minor attacking threat into a goal scoring opportunity in the blink of an eye. Having your

players make great runs off the ball is the key. Watch the radar for that target player heading to open space, and then judge the power you strike the ball with carefully: too
hard and it’s an easy ball for the keeper, too light and you might find yourself defending a quick counter attack. Use this when you want to “open up the play.” The further
away the player gets, the less accurate your pass. The amount of time you hold down the pass button will determine the length of the pass. For best results, make sure you
attempt to lead your player and not fire the pass at him. Allowing him to run onto the pass in stride could give him all the distance he needs to get a chance on goal.

Through Pass
This is one of the most deadly weapons in the game, and when done correctly, can rival the beauty of any goal. The key to being successful is your ability to look beyond your

player to the space your teammates can hit quickly. You have to think one step ahead. This pass is typically used to get a player threaded through the defence and in on goal.
Once again, how long you hold the pass button will determine the strength and distance of your pass. On Manual Through ball Assistance you are in charge of both direction and
power. Be sure to play the ball to the space ahead of your player and let him run onto it. Some high level rated players can also perform a swerving through ball that makes it very tough for a defender to judge. Often times he will find himself diving in and leaving the striker with nothing left to do but test his finishing skills.

Lobbed Through Pass
The Lobbed Through Pass takes the beauty of the through ball and forces your opponent’s defenders to think three dimensionally. The angles are endless to feed a teammate. This

is a very effective tool on an attack or counter attack when used to completely switch fields to the opposite side. Use this pass to hit a teammate who is making diagonal run, as it can really get you some great opportunities to get in on your opponent’s goal.


One-Two Pass
Also known as the wall pass, this is used to create space to shake a defender with the assistance of another team member. Upon approaching an opponent, time the pass so the

defender commits to you, and then pass the ball to a team member while holding the L1/LB button. Your player will immediately sprint beyond your opponent to get a one touch pass
back. It can quickly provide some open space in front of you. Be careful of using it too many times in a row as you will create holes in your defence.


Crossing can be used either to switch the field of play into a more open field to start the attack again, or to launch a ball into the middle of the field to create a goal scoring opportunity. Many factors play into how accurate the cross is, such as body position, speed, and player rating. This can be a deadly aerial assault in your opponent’s third of the field leading to a goal scoring opportunity. The other use for switching field of play can be to get the ball out of a congested area to an open player that can build an attack much more effectively at that moment.
You can also have some control over the curve put on a cross with the right stick. Just lean the stick in the direction you want to curve the ball when the meter is powering up. When they hear the term “cross,” most players think of a high arcing ball into the opposing team’s box, when in fact that is just the tip of the iceberg. The basics of what type of cross to hit is realizing whether you are in the crossing zone or not (area from the top of the 18 yard box to the end line and from the 18 yard box to the side touchline). If not, then the arsenal of early crosses listed below is your best option. This section covers five other types of crosses in FIFA 09 that can be used to best your opponent.


Low Cross
The low cross is a very effective tool to catch your opponent off guard. The low cross is more of a driven cross that is usually one touched on for a shot or to another player for an attacking opportunity. This cross is usually whipped in with a lot more pace than the typical high arcing cross and can really catch your adversary by surprise. A good tip to remember if you are on the receiving end of this is to lookaround as you see it coming in, and if you do not have a strike at goal, then look to one touch or “flick” the ball onto another play. Use the receiver to change the direction of the ball and set up some interesting opportunities.


Ground Cross
Much like the low cross but is passed in with pace along the ground. This is not to be confused with the through ball. The through ball is designed to lead a teammate on to goal, threading the ball through the defenders; the ground cross is used to deceptively feed a team member outside the expected target area of your opponent. The ground cross is extremely effective in setting up for a one time strike. It also catches your opposition off guard when you hit the crossing zone and they prepare to see a long high ball, but then have to scramble when the target player is running up from the back for a strike.



Early Cross / Early Low Cross / Early Ground Cross
The term “early” refers directly to striking in the cross outside the crossing zone (area from the top of the 18 yard box to the end line and from the 18 yard box to the side touchline). Simply refer to the descriptions of what the cross is used for mentioned above and just know it is hit prior to entering that zone. This is a great tool that can really surprise the teams you are playing since they think they still have time to set up for the big cross, when in fact the threat is coming much sooner for them!

次世代FIFA09之EA官方给予玩家们的指导教程(翻译版) 次世代FIFA09之EA官方给予玩家们的指导教程(翻译版) 次世代FIFA09之EA官方给予玩家们的指导教程(翻译版)

Defending Controls
Your best offence is a great defence! Since the only way to win is to prevent more goals from going in your own net than your opponent’s, a great defensive understanding is crucial. Discipline is the key to great defence; don’t panic and use common sense. Knowing your attackers and their tendencies is very helpful in planning your defence.
The defending controls work a lot like the sport in real life, so get to know when to “jockey” and not “stab in” and you will find your keeper getting a lot of “clean sheets.” Once possession is lost, all team members are now defenders, starting with the forwards to do their best to prevent the ball even getting into their own half. The first line of defence are not the stoppers; they are the forwards and midfielders. Listed in this section are nine types of basic defending controls as well as how to best use them.


The jockey is a technique of “containment” rather than actually taking the ball back. This works well when the attacker is especially good with his feet. Usually, the jockey is used to allow you to size up your opponent’s skill and allow reinforcements to arrive if need be. This can be done running right next to the attacker, corralling him where you want him to go or running backwards (or back pedaling) with the attacker coming right at you. Like in other aspects of this game, timing is everything. You cannot wait too long to step in or your opponent might get a look at goal or shake you loose; likewise, you cannot go in too early or he will leave you in the dust. A good tip is to watch the ball and see if it gets slightly ahead of your opponent and go in then. You will get a good feel for this the more you play.


Running Jockey
Much like the jockey, only performed at high speeds. Rather than just sizing him up, this technique allows you to stay on the attacker and contain him at a full sprint if need be. This can be very effective to slow down a quick counter attack and give your team time to get back into position.


Switch Players
This is a very basic part of the game but really makes you successful if you learn when to switch to the right player. It is usually helpful to leave the “automatic switching” in the game set up just a couple notches, since it really assists you in taking control of the right player at the right time. It is also useful if you like to play a very quick possession game. It does some of the thinking for you and allows you to focus on other tasks at hand.


Switch Players Manual
Unlike the simple “switch players” function above, this tool allows you to press the right stick in the direction of the player you want to take over. The best time to use it is when you see a player on a run that is unmarked. For example, you are covering out on the wing when you see a striker move into the box and look for a cross. My performing a manual switch, you can take control of a defender in the box and move in better position to defend the cross.


A press is a very aggressive attempt at getting the ball back ASAP. Usually done in very close proximity, it involves your players using every tool at their disposal to dispossess the opponent. Your player will only perform a standing tackle with the press, not a sliding tackle. The goal is to restrict the opponent from any further threat to your half of the field and try to regain possession for your team.
Because it is so aggressive, failure can result in your player getting beaten if you make a mistake or are up against a stronger jostling player. FIFA 09 is very specific in using the player’s strength and balance ratings to determine who would comes out on the winning end of the battle. If you commit to a hard challenge and come away without the ball, the opposing team suddenly has the advantage in the attack. Because of this it is best that the hard press is performed with your midfield if at all possible so the next layer (the defenders) can be used as a back up. Remember to use layers of players when defending. If the opponent gets by one of your guys, quickly survey the next closest man and start again!


Jockey Press
This move will allow you to contain your opponent and then quickly transition into a tackle. Release the LT/L2 button to initiate the challenge. This tool is a great diversion to prevent your opponent from getting the ball into an even more threatening position. Be careful, because as we all know, the referee can lose his mind at any minute and call you for too strong a challenge if you end up tackling the opponent.

次世代FIFA09之EA官方给予玩家们的指导教程(翻译版) 次世代FIFA09之EA官方给予玩家们的指导教程(翻译版)

Teammate Press
Very simply, “Secondary Pressing” will call a nearby teammate in assist your player in dispossessing an attacker. Now two players work in tandem to box in the attacker by both watching him and performing standing tackles to really get his attention. Usually this is done on a player who is a serious threat for creating opportunities for his team, so watch the game and look for your opponent’s playmaker. When you are able to pick him out, use the teammate press to help shut him down.


Slide Tackle
A very dynamic aspect to defending that can either send you to the showers early or put you on a highlight reel. The two keys you need to remember with slide tackles are to make

sure you do not attempt it from behind and make sure you touch the ball as much as possible. If you get the player and the ball, you will more than likely get a yellow card. If
you miss the ball and just get the player, we hope you enjoyed your game, because your day is done!
Try to watch the player you are coming in to attack and time it so the ball is out in front of him on a sprint as much as possible. Try to avoid a slide tackle on a player in a

jog or moving slowly, as it will be seen as aggressive by the referee and can very quickly get you a card. However, when performed correctly and cleanly, it can win you the
ball, stop the attacker, and just make you feel warm and fuzzy inside as you see your player sprints away in possession.


This one pretty much speaks for itself. Sometimes you just have to hit the panic button and get the ball out of any immediate danger, no matter what. A good tip for this is to

glance at your radar right before you clear the ball and see if there happens to be a teammate further up field that you might be able to target, rather than just potentially
giving the ball away. If time is of the essence, then just knock it into next week and regroup! If you have a lot of players out of position, then a good solution sometimes is
to clear the ball out of bounds and let the game reset your players for a throw in.


Custom Tactics
Custom Tactics is one of the biggest additions to the Fifa franchise this year. Eleven different settings can be adjusted to control how the team plays. This includes how the team passes, moves, positions and creates scoring chances. Now teams like Arsenal will zip the ball around the field with short passes, while teams like Celtic will bomb the ball forward and try to attack via Route 1.
There are two components to the Custom Tactics. The CPU both positions players and executes based on the team’s Custom Tactics settings. For Human controlled players, the Custom Tactics settings influence the way the other nine field players move in relation to the player that you are controlling.
In this section of the guide, we will explore the different settings available for Fifa 09 and then take them on the pitch to show you how they impact gameplay.


Build Up Play
There are three Build Up settings in the game: Speed, Passing, and Positioning. Build Up settings affect how your team will play in the first two-thirds of the pitch. The CPU will execute passes based on these settings. Your players will position themselves based on these settings. It is still up to you to make the correct passes. Build Up settings mostly affect the Central Midfielders, Wing Defenders and Outside Midfielders.


Speed – Build Up speed determines the speed at which the attacking team advances play in the first two thirds of the pitch. This not only changes the emphasis on Forward, Lateral, or Negative play, but also alters the urgency that teammates have getting into forward positions.

Slow – The team is patient building plays, often passing the ball around in defence with players regularly passing backwards. Players are more selective in their runs going forward, and put the emphasis on finding good space over finding forward space.

Balanced – The team does not build play particularly fast or slow.

Fast – The team looks to get the ball from back to front as quickly as possible. Players choose to position themselves in more advanced positions on the pitch. Players make more forward runs.

Passing – Build Up Passing Distance determines the general passing direction, and the style of support play from teammates in the first two thirds of the pitch. This changes the emphasis on long or short passes both on and off the ball.

Short – The team will try to build using short passes. Players closest to the ball will come to support.
Mixed – the team does not build using a particularly short or long passing game.
Long – the team will look to play the longer ball, perhaps targeting a tall striker or looking for a ball over the top. Players farther from the ball possessor will attempt to find space. Close players will anticipate the long ball and push up to look for the knock down or flick on.

Positioning – Build Up Positioning determines the freedom that players have to make runs, and support in positions that stray from their formation position in the first two
thirds of the pitch.

Organized – Players tend not to stray too far from their assigned positions during the course of the match. The team maintains structure when building play.
Free Form – Players have the freedom to make runs out of position. For example, forwards can make more runs wide to collect the ball, fullbacks can make more overlapping runs,
wide players can cut in more, and central midfielders can make runs to the corner or overlap the strikers.

Short Passing
In a short passing system, you will see more “check to” runs by players as they drop back into space to receive the ball. The team will arrange itself in such a way that there are multiple short passing options available. Ultimately, you control when and where you pass, but the CPU will position your support players in good position to maintain possession.
When our defender receives the ball (highlighted in yellow), notice how many red highlighted targets he has. This is the advantage of the short passing system. You typically have multiple options for the dribbler.


Long Passing
In a long passing system, players will make anticipatory runs and look for knockdowns from Target players. Opposite wingers will make runs looking for the big switch. Strikers will either make get behind runs, or check back to receive long passes from the defence.


Notice with this Long passing team that the nearest open player is 30 yards or so down the field. This is pretty typical of teams set to use a Long Passing tactic.
When playing against highly aggressive pressing teams, you will want to set up the long ball to take advantage of their defensive attitude. If you use a long passing team, you’ll need to be comfortable with looking at your Radar while playing so you can pick out deep players


We receive the ball in the center circle, and you can already see that our winger is calling for the ball.

We hit a throughball to get the ball to him on a dead sprint.

His “get behind” run does the trick and he is free to go one-on-on with the keeper.

Slow Build Up
Teams with Slow Build Up Speed settings will drop back more into support positions. The emphasis is on keeping control of the ball rather than advancing it down the field.


Our attacker is moving with the ball at the top of the screen. He sees that a defender is cutting off his attack.

In typical Slow Build fashion, he doesn’t force the issue, but instead lays the ball back so that his team can keep possession. The Slow Build style is often a game of Two
Steps Forward, One Step Back.

Club Americas has kept possession and now begins to reverse fields to probe the defence with another attack.

Fast Build Up
With Fast Build Up Speed, players will look to quickly release and make more advanced runs. Players will make lots of quick runs and dashes to open space. Use plenty of wall

passes and one-touch passes to keep the action flowing quickly. Trap, pass, and move is the name of the game.

We receive the ball in the center circle with our midfielder. We are immediately looking for the next pass to get it going forward.

As soon as we make the pass, we instigate a forward run to hit the open space.

The wing pops open instead, so we fire the ball outside.

Again, we want to keep things moving, so we push the ball ahead to our Striker near the top of the box. You’ll want a big player here who can hold up the ball for the rest of
the attackers to come into play.

Our initial passer is streaking into the box and will be wide open for a through ball and attempt on goal.

休息一下 稍后继续......

[ 本帖最后由 WJKEN 于 2008-12-24 11:02 编辑 ]
作者: 我是oscar    时间: 2008-11-12 10:38


[ 本帖最后由 我是oscar 于 2008-11-12 11:59 编辑 ]
作者: WJKEN    时间: 2008-11-12 10:38
晕 沙发没了, ps3 应该港版 可以了 不同版本没什么太大差异 我知道的也就是 解说语言 选择 好像有些差别吧  欧版 的可能会意大利 和德语吧  港版 应该和360一样 是 英 西班牙 法语

[ 本帖最后由 WJKEN 于 2008-11-12 10:40 编辑 ]
作者: WJKEN    时间: 2008-11-12 10:58
据说  fifa的可以重复多次使用 但自己是d版 360  ps3只是听说过,不知道是否属实,

不过 貌似二手多吗?感觉 fifaz版本也不贵 300都不到
作者: MAGMA    时间: 2008-11-16 15:12
作者: WJKEN    时间: 2008-11-22 22:26
作者: 阿里巴巴    时间: 2008-11-22 22:52
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作者: huanglin    时间: 2008-11-24 12:09
作者: 玩笑而已    时间: 2008-12-2 15:24
作者: stowen    时间: 2008-12-6 21:35
翻译上有个小建议, “First touch will kill you.” 应该翻译为:一脚趟球将致你于死地,这个“你”毫无疑问是指对手;和“控球等于自杀”的意思完全相反~~

[ 本帖最后由 stowen 于 2008-12-6 21:38 编辑 ]
作者: 543390368    时间: 2009-3-13 19:47
作者: 拖鞋    时间: 2009-3-14 03:33
作者: 中场核心    时间: 2009-3-27 13:25
刚入手360 没玩过FIFA 听说进步很大 在某些方面已经超越了实况
看看先 周末试试
作者: TonyChan    时间: 2009-5-11 17:20
作者: 2815081    时间: 2009-5-11 17:58
谢谢 非常好
作者: rody    时间: 2010-9-23 19:42
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作者: aodi2008    时间: 2010-9-23 20:58
作者: rockyou    时间: 2010-9-23 22:04
作者: yuandayy    时间: 2010-9-23 22:10
此贴应该会很红火  ,,

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