qing 发表于 2009-1-31 08:32

★ PES 2009 Editor v2.0 ★存档修改器

platforms: [*]PC only
features: [*]modify player abilities (face relink included)[*]player stats importing/exporting (OF2, CSV & .Player files supported)[*]transfers (drag&drop included)[*]edit teams (name, formations, home stadium)[*]modify league and tournament names[*]global stats and special abilities adjusting[*]face&hair relink[*]FM stats conversion
requirements: [*]installed .NET Framework
hint if you have problem with FM converter: [*]enable "Use integer instead float..." option in tab "Settings"[*]click "Save" button[*]restart editor
thanks to:
skip-br, mosu90, compulison, krejik, seresak, pita007, vlada, SMcCutcheon, goldorakiller, FCH, Inas
... and anybody which I forgot ;-)

latest changelogs:

version 2.0 [*]added import/update stats function from FM Genie's export for national teams[*]added support for less players in national teams. Specify count in editor.exe.config file [*]added multiple changes of player abilities (see example in "../utils/Example of tweak file" folder)[*]added support for "Erase" player function (to enable: change key showErasePlayerMenu in editor.exe.config to true)[*]other small improvements
version 1.9 [*]added import/update stats function for whole team from FM Genie's export[*]added support for more players in national teams. Specify count in editor.exe.config file [*]player skin color is now editable[*]fixed 2 small bugs[*]added search function into import form[*]improved search function in main window (you can type ivan instead iván etc.)
version 1.8
[*]fixed bug in mod "Special" for player names[*]added support for 25 "extra CL teams"[*]added import/export player abilities from/to XML file (good for PES Stats Database comunity)[*]added flags(logos) relink[*]added chants relink (thx Tommsen ang Goldo for list of chants)[*]added supporters colors relink (thx Inas for your help)[*]added support for Shirtnames in CSV files[*]other small improvements
version 1.7
[*]improved FM stats converter (thx SMcCutcheon)[*]added 2 ways how to load values from CSV file (see hint below)[*]improved calculations[*]FM stats are visible now[*]created 4 new FM exports (from version 9.02)[*]improved import window (filtration by team is now working; shirt number is also imported from CSV)[*]improved face relinker window (improved face&hair loading; added filter for free faces or/and hairs)[*]fixed face size bug (for build faces)[*]added support for extra teams c01-c07 (extra national teams are not editable!)[*]added mod "Special" for player names into "Global adjust" tab


[ 本帖最后由 qing 于 2009-1-31 08:33 编辑 ]

fifa0807 发表于 2009-1-31 08:46


yxllwf 发表于 2009-1-31 15:35

yxllwf 发表于 2009-1-31 15:41

fhfhfhfh 发表于 2009-1-31 16:48


tsq861219 发表于 2009-2-6 10:44


wxw920 发表于 2009-2-6 22:30

下了 。谢谢~~~~

ybl690470897 发表于 2009-2-7 01:19


tjtwulin 发表于 2009-2-8 10:09


laozai6206 发表于 2009-2-8 20:50


zhz2200614 发表于 2009-2-8 21:56


zxwccc 发表于 2009-2-13 00:27


c5104444 发表于 2009-2-14 00:22


mcjamin 发表于 2009-2-14 01:50


zhangzhishun 发表于 2009-2-14 14:08

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查看完整版本: ★ PES 2009 Editor v2.0 ★存档修改器