erica2004 发表于 2013-2-6 00:58

PES2013球场挂 (89 version) by panos



Stadium Adder v0.1
Another project: PES2013 Stadium Adder


    Add and not replace stadiums in PES2013. Current version supports up to 89 total stadiums (If Jenkey doesn't release stadium server, I will probably look for ways to add even more stadiums).

    All stadiums are available in Champions League mode, and editable in Edit Mode

Tool Guide:
First of all, you must have the exe, and the two ini files in the same folder as your PES exe.
You must copy the stadiums_2158.bin file i've included in your dt0f.img in your kitserver.
The right list of the tool, is the list of all available stadiums the game could have. Konami has left many empty slots for new stadiums (probably for DLCs that were never released), so you can add your stadiums there.
The left list of the tool, is the list of the stadiums you want to have in your game.
If you want to add a stadium from the right list to the left list, just select the stadium of your choice, and press the "+" button.
You can rearrange the stadiums in the left list using the arrow buttons. The order that they appear here, is the order they will appear in the game.
Once you are happy with your selections, you can press the "Save Setup" button to save this list for the next time you use this tool, write the name of your PES exe in the textbox below, select your exe version (currently only 1.03, 1.01 RELOADED versions supported), and press "Run PES".

How to add a new stadium:

    You add an empty ID slot from the list on the right to the list on the left
    You open , and modify the bin slots for the ID you use.
    Import your bins to your game, either by using kitserver, or by importing them directly to your img files.
    (OPTIONAL) If you want preview for your stadium, add a new "sta_xDD.tex" file in unnamed_1272.bin of dt06.img, where "DD" is the ID of your stadium.

You are ready to enjoy your new stadiums, you can now edit its name from Edit Mode, and assign it to a club.

You need NET Framework 4.0
Tool is XP Compatible
It is pretty much in BETA stages of development, so it may not work properly for some people. I'll try to fix any errors that appear.

cui_ruby 发表于 2013-2-6 01:22

本帖最后由 cui_ruby 于 2013-2-6 13:50 编辑


1. 需要这个工具:
2. 扩充球场的编号用上述工具打开后可以预览并编辑

圣西罗卡卡 发表于 2013-2-6 01:42


【R9】 发表于 2013-2-6 08:20


timothysk 发表于 2013-2-6 09:15


红魔111 发表于 2013-2-6 09:46


dfsh 发表于 2013-2-6 12:31


dfsh 发表于 2013-2-6 12:37

本帖最后由 dfsh 于 2013-2-6 12:44 编辑

回复 2# cui_ruby
:bz2: 木有EVO账号,劳驾LZ受累转入国内,方便小白

liule10 发表于 2013-2-6 13:05

回复 2# cui_ruby

    小鲁大神! 还有英超一些弱队的球场没! 要质量好点的! :bz4:

wangjianhui 发表于 2013-2-6 13:22

不错 谢谢分享!

panxf1230 发表于 2013-2-6 13:54


彼岸hua之恋 发表于 2013-2-6 19:47

回复 1# erica2004

LRH1013 发表于 2013-2-6 20:40


chezhaiyu 发表于 2013-2-7 00:35


丶lebron。 发表于 2013-2-10 01:07

求说明使用方法啊 。英文不懂
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查看完整版本: PES2013球场挂 (89 version) by panos